Today more than ever before businesses must be Internet savvy in order to stay competitive and enjoy long-term success. From home service providers and contractors to law firms and medical care providers, the Internet provides a unique and rare opportunity to improve brand awareness and gain market share. Understanding the basics with regard to Internet...
Imagine a scene popular in the world of motion pictures: You see a city street that is hauntingly empty, and a lone newspaper blows across the screen and then out of sight. The wind howls and you know that there is no one there… Do you want people to experience...
If you’ve just started a business, you probably want to get a website and start online marketing, but it can be confusing. Even though the concept of online marketing has been around for about 15 years, finding a company that can help you with a good, solid campaign...
One of the most important elements for a successful business is developing a website. The website is the foundation of your business in the online space. Surveys show that 97% of people search for local products and services before shopping or deciding on a company. If your company doesn’t have a website, it will certainly...
We finally get to see the new iPhone 6 from Apple. Now with a twist, Apple launched a larger version from the previous iPhone 5 and includes two versions. Their reason for taking longer than expected in releasing a larger screen was not because of demand but because they engineered a product to be superior to anything...
Over the past few weeks I’ve come across a large number of business owners in different industries who still do not seem to understand how important business blogging is. I am not talking about writing a business blog article that tells your readers what you did during the lunch hour. As a reader I want...
With over 250million people logging into Facebook each day, your business can take advantage of these free resources in getting more clients from social media. Facebook being free is the fastest growing social network that can grow your business within just a few months. The right marketing strategy engages with users and...