BMW 135 Matte Black on Steroids | Stitched Production

BMW 135 Matte Black on Steroids

One of my consistent clients called me up and told me they have a different type of car to shoot, my mind was going in circles trying to figure out what it was. On the way to meet with the end customer, my client calls me to ask if I know of a dark location to shoot this special car. As my adrenaline started pumping, Carlos, owner of the car called me and said surprise I am right next to you on the highway. When I look over this crazy looking matte black BMW 135 stanced to kill is looking right over at me screaming “Photoshoot me!”. Now this matte black BMW 135 is like no other from the slammed stance to the perfect wheel combination color/fitment setup I knew there would be a lot of jealous people viewing my profile within the next couple of days.


Let me know what you think about this BMW 135 Matte Black on Steroids!



Another photoshoot is coming soon for this vehicle.

About the Author

Antonio Rivera is the CEO of Stitched Production, LLC. He has been at the company since its inception and has more than a decade of experience helping law firms develop tailored marketing and business plans.